Products Description
Microcontroller and Sensors
1. Elevate well-being with emotional insights: Harness human emotional level sensors to identify panic attacks, stress, and anxiety for a holistic health approach.
2. Heart health at your fingertips: Continuously monitor ECG data to proactively detect and address potential heart-related issues.
3. Enhanced safety through location tracking: Utilize RFID technology to monitor user locations, providing a safety net for children, the elderly with Alzheimer's, and those with mental disorders.
Cloud, AI, and Machine learning
4. Cloud-powered connectivity: Embrace IoT technology as it seamlessly pushes data to the Cloud, ensuring accessibility and security.
5. Intelligent risk assessment: Employ AI and machine learning to analyze data from mental and heart sensors, identifying potential risks with precision.
Messaging and Integration
6. Remote healthcare monitoring: Empower healthcare facilities to remotely monitor patient health, fostering proactive care.
7. Seamless integration: Integrate effortlessly with healthcare systems for a cohesive and comprehensive health management experience.
8. Swift communication for peace of mind: Instantly notify caregivers and doctors of identified risks through multiple messaging platforms like SMS and email.